Double Wolf Dare Week

2025 Recipient
Keaton's Kindness Foundation (K Club)
The idea behind the week generated from the saying "I double dog dare you". Santa Fe made this into their own concept, using the word Wolf because of the schools mascot and forming the name - Double Wolf Dare Week. During the week, the entire student body comes together to perform Dares throughout the week to help raise funds for the non-profit organization.
The roots of Double Wolf Dare Week began in 1996, when the Edmond Santa Fe student body came together to save the life of a future Wolf.
Hailey Cobble, daughter of Santa Fe coaches Lonnie and Terry Cobble, was born with a hip dysplasia. The doctor told her family the only way she would ever be able to walk was to undergo an extremely expensive surgery. Faced with financial hardships, the Cobble's tried to keep faith but saw no way out of their terrible situation.
However, the student body at Edmond Santa Fe had a different vision. Completely student lead, the Santa Fe community raised enough money to fund Hailey's surgery. The surgery was successful and Hailey's chance to walk alongside with her brother and sisters became a reality. The week long fundraising effort was named Double Wolf Dare Week and the rest as they say, is history.
The tradition of Double Wolf Dare Week that began with the student body of 1996 continues each and every year at Santa Fe with a heart-filled legacy of giving and making a difference.
Andrew Rosko
Edmond Santa Fe Student Council Advisor
(405) 726-7432